I know there are photographers out in the world that can take an antique camera and take an exceptional photo. I also know that there are photographers out in the world that need a digital camera just to take a photo so they can manipulate it later. I believe that in some shape or form that the art of photography has been lost in many ways. First of which is that some photographers have lost their patience, they can’t wait for a photo. Another reason Is that photographers need a digital camera to take a picture, they don’t like the process of developing the photos old school like. Also I think that photographers don’t do enough to make their photos memorable.
So what do I mean by photographers have no patience? Well for starters I think that a photographer should wait for the “perfect shot”. What I mean by the “perfect shot” is that, photographers tend to rely on programs to fix their mistakes. Why not take your time set up the shot make sure the sun is right? Now I know it would be hard to do in a nature scene, but what about portraits why do you need a program to make things attractive or beautiful? Like for instance the well know photo of Sharba Gula on the cover of National Geographic Magazine was taken by journalist Steve McCurry, there was no editing of the photo. That photo is one of the most well know photos ever taken, and nothing had to be done with it, that photo s taken in 1984. So I know that there are photographers out there that can photograph amazing pictures, but are too lazy to take the time and photograph what the want correctly.
Now I am not saying anything bad about digital cameras I like to use them, digital cameras are great tools. That aside, I would like to see more “old school” photos. What I mean by “old School” is taking a picture using and old camera. When a photographer uses a digital camera I believe that the photo was taken quickly and less passionately. When a photographer uses an old antique camera they take their time to make everything perfect before they take their shots. Like if a photographer uses a 35mm camera and takes hundreds of photos it is going to be very expensive to develop all of those photos. So photographers take their time to take photos when using a 35mm camera. For example there were many Iconic photographs took in the 1940’s by Farm Security Administration photographers. Those photos are beautiful and you can see how passionately the photographers were about their work. The website http://gtbarnes.com/2008/09/09/color-photography-of-the-1940s/ shows what these pictures that I am talking about. So I believe that if you use a non-digital camera a photographer will be more patient and passionate about their photograph.
Photographers’ in the world today can take amazing photo and may be world-renowned but if they are what photos can you remember? We all remember Steve McCurry’s photo of Sharba Gula and Joe Rosenthal’s Photo of the American flag being put up on the island of Iwo Jima. Those photographs will always be remembered. Those photo’s and many more out there were taken by a photographer before digital manipulation and before digital cameras were around. I believe that photographers need to use everything around them to make a memorable photo. If they have to use digital manipulation to do this then so be it, but I think that a photographer should be passionate about their photo and use their eyes to take a memorable photo.
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